How do I fast start this diet now?
The number of overweight Americans is projected to double in the next five to seven years to 120 million, which indicates that fad diets have failed. It’s not just Kindle Store › Kindle eBooks › Health, Fitness & Dieting the diet! It’s the fact of being on a diet that also causes people not to lose weight. Ft. Lauderdale Beach Diet Kindle Print List Price: $24.95

book. It was inspired from a diary that I kept when I lost seventy pounds over a by Dr. "Slim" Fox (Author) Format:

How do I fast start this diet now? 1. Read this book fully first and while you read, eat all the Yes- Yes! foods you desire and cook them correctly the way this book states at least for 10 to 14 days. Many people lose weight on this step alone.
2. Then, start cutting the portion sizes down to the level this book states to be at to lose weight. This will allow you to properly detoxify without getting hungry. This is a lifetime commitment not just to lose weight in one to two weeks. If you plan to do the shortcut method, you'll find the weight loss will occur, but it'll hurt, and you'll struggle. The you'll put the weight back on because you didn't learn the basics of nutrition and weight loss.